Everyone (and I mean everyone) ought to be aware of the controversy behind milk. And what makes milk REAL milk. None of this pastuerized, fat-free, sugar loaded "milk" that our media tells us "Does our body good." No wonder why there's so much lactose intolerance and those dairy stomach aches that so many get. That didn't happen back in the day when the milk man went door to door and delivered fresh, raw milk. So if you're going to drink it- and if you just can't live without it- read up on it (even if just a little bit) before you buy another gallon.
Check this out: REAL milk.
This is real, WHOLE food with all the nutrients and goodness intact.
My favorite raw milk (don't be scared of the word raw, you've been kind of brainwashed): Organic Pastures
You can purchase this at Mother's Market and some Sprouts. Whole Foods no longer carries it. Shame on them!
I understand this kind of milk is pricey. That's because caring for cows in the right way isn't cheap. That and these farmers are put through the ringer by our lovely FDA. So if you just have to have milk- or if you want to take a sip of what the real thing tastes like - remember you are supporting local farming, a family, a culture, a way of life. And maybe that will tip your scale and you won't moan and groan as you walk to the checkout.
And- on a completely different note- some of the raw milks come in pretty rad old, fashioned glass containers. And if you are anything like me, you keep these cute little suckers, wash and rinse them out, and use them as vases...or other fun house decorative things.
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